Sunday 24 March 2013


  After few minutes updating my report logo,suddenly something reminds me about design,.It reminds me on one tragedy that happend to me during my 1st semester on university.All of this start when,ive be given by my lecturers, assgmnt to develop one land infront of my university gate,we are advice to develop one cafe,that can be a place for the student and lectrrs gather around.So i made the report and design,almost a month i made and design this cafe using my software computer=sketchup soft..So i made this..

This design are not done yet,.Weeks after i made this design,and 3days before my flashmob presentation infront of  Professor Heather Campbell,one of the Town Planning lecturrs from University of Sheffield.Someone had steal my laptop,all of my doc,notes,design,,and many of it,disappear like that.Luckily i save this picture on my pendrive.As a prove for my work.But,ive to start design all of this thing from A back,once again i manage done this design,but for sure the design are not good as what ive done first.

At the presentation day,thank God,what ive done on a few weeks back,the professor had praise me with creative ideas,and critical of thinking with my idea.There are also  Q&A me with the professor,.Its a great thing and experience with this kind of person..done


Few hours thinking on my logo for my proposal report ,for my assgmnt this semester,at last i made this one.Im not done with this design yet,but for sure,im gonna use this name for my presentation and report logo soon.Hopefully i can get extra mark for my report..

One of  the reason i choose this name,because ive come from Sabah,so i think its better for me to use this old Sabah name,which is Elopura.

Saturday 23 March 2013


So ,this is my first post,hopefully it brings the best luck for me in my writing. Ive made this site,for a few purpose,first this is as one of my site where i can show some of my tshirt sign.Second,my ideas as a place where i can show some of my building design.Maybe some of the town planning ideas.And third as a place where i can share my experienced reading.All of this takes a time,indulgents are the most needed element,especially on design of the shirt and building design. It maybe a day,5days,weeks or more than that.But ill try my best to make this site stay connect.

One of arabic idioms says "The God never help you,unless you help your self first"